Tuesday, March 29, 2011

so today some kid pulled out a cigarette

...in the middle of English class. And smoked it. Granted it was one of those fancy-dangled 'fake' ones that somehow still taste/feel the same but seriously? Why would you do that. why

I get that you may have an addiction, but...in class? Kid this isn't college. This is high school. And even though we're in a smallpunk town in the middle of nofuck nowhere but for some reason everyone fucking knows who we are doesn't mean that you can try and pull that shit. We may live in a small-town ghetto, but we're not in Pittsburgh. We're not in the ghetto. We're not the Pitts.

Just because we live in a world-popular town doesn't mean you can get away with smoking that shit in school. Living here does not make you 'awesome'. It means you're alive so stop it

 So every now and then the kid would whip around to the left, hunch over, and I'd hear a HFFFFFFFNNNNNNNFFFFFFGGG sound that could effectively be compared to an asthmatic seal with its head stuck in a 3/4 full oil bin slowly suffocating to death. Which, you know, most smokers sound like anyways, but this kid is only 17. At the most. And you really shouldn't be addicted to that shit at SEVENTEEN but then again I'm an anti-social freak so what do I know

ANYWAY I don't know what surprised me more; the fact that he did this in the middle of class, or the fact that he hadn't been caught all day, especially by the teacher of the class we were in. He was making sounds so loud it sounded like an air conditioner fucked a seizure-prone vacuum, had a baby, and the baby had a child with a shihtzu pug mix and their baby suffered from epilepsy from the goddamned sun and went into fits whenever the air pressure changed or wind shifted.

that's what he sounded like

Just imagine it.


Anyway this happened multiple times throughout the period. Not just two or three times, but I'm pretty sure I counted to at least ten. Hell, I can't tell anymore. I just know that the girl in front of him would start laughing her ass off each and every time that he did it and break the cold silence. Every single time.

And you know, whenever someone's doing something 'bad' in school I just sit there really, really awkwardly because you know, I'm the 'good' kid or something in school and...I never do anything. I just exist, breathe, and do my work. Sometimes talk. But mostly sit and work and breathe.

I've gotten really good at sitting and breathing. I can even do it without thinking, bitches.

Goddammit I keep getting off-track (here comes the train careening off of the cliff full of screaming koalas!) so, uh. I didn't turn him in. I wanted to, but then I'd feel weird. Turning in a Kid Cudi fan? Hell, no. I can't possibly make that poor child's life any worse. So I let him go. I just...

I didn't have the evil in me

plus, it smelled vaguely of cinnamon

I like cinnamon smells.