Here's when it was snowing at my house around 5PMEST today:
Here it is around 5:10:
And here it is an hour or so ago:
My flowers are going to die. Wunderbar. Some of them died a little while ago because Mother Nature decided to throw some frost at us for a big 'fuck you'. So...they died. Sad day. :C
what the fuck, mother nature
what the fuck
I hope you all enjoyed my rendition of 'What the Fuck, Mother Nature - Sincerely, a Confused Student' but you've probably had enough of seeing one small shot of a fence and part of my yard and back porch so
have a cat on a blanket:
His name is Sam and he likes to eat rotisserie chicken. I don't blame him because that shit is fucking delicious but he steals from me. But it's okay. Because he's adorable. Only my cats and Boyfriend can take food from me...
pictured: retarded, derpy Sugarfaec attempting to steal my bed from me while I am in it
...because they're adorable
And you've all lost the game.
the end