If you think you're special because you play videogames, stop it.
Especially those of you who just pick up a game and become obsessed with it, only to go around screaming "I AM SUCH A GAMER GURLLL LoLLLL x0x BRB SKYRIM & GUITAR HEROOOO TXT IT"...
No. Stop it. You are not special because you have a vagina and happen to play videogames. Become aware of this. I am tired of seeing pointless updates that say shit like "BRB GUYS BUSY WITH SKYRIM <3" and "LOL IMMA GO PLAY *GAME TITLE HERE* NOWWW BBL LOL". First off, no one gives a shit that you're going to be playing a game. If you're talking to people and want others to know that you're going to be away, then fucking tell them personally instead of posting an update that hardly any of them will read or see on time.
This is especially ridiculous when the game has...absolutely nothing to do with the original post. For example, you post something saying you're going to be busy for a while and might not get stuff done. Okay, cool, we all have those times. However, when you go on saying "I MIGHT BE TOO BUSY PLAYING *GAME TITLE*...LOL BUT WE'LL SEE" it makes me want to strangle you with the bloody, cold corpse of a mangled flamingo.
Lucky for you, I don't have the direct availability for those resources, otherwise there would be a pile of people and flamingos laying in my basement. Right now, though, it's just VHS tapes and beer. At least of the smaller, easily movable things.
Anyway...holy shit. Girls, you aren't special for playing games. You're not special for being on the internet (although when kids [it seems girls especially] first log onto a site for their first time, they are massive idiots with the IQ points of a bag full of onions and the internet in general seems to draw out the ~special~ kids quite easily [read as: those who try and fake illnesses {usually mental}]). You're not special because you got the newest, most talked-about game.
However, you might be able to redeem some of the respect that I lost for you when you said you were a girl gamer (or did anything of the above, or more) by talking game talk with me and actually being able to play a game (completely) without cheating.
Specifically: Dragon Age games that no one seems to play completely through because they ragequit.
And that is my "me being a massive dick" post for the hour.