...My half-cousin was found dead yesterday morning by his father. No one really knows the cause of his death, but I, myself, have made a few somewhat-educated guesses based on how the kid lived his life.
This is the same boy caught sneaking into junkyards and scrapyards and the like to steal stuff so he could
sell it to buy drugs and alcohol. Which, obviously led to him getting arrested not several, but many, many,
many times. He started that shit when he was probably around 15-16 years old, maybe younger, and his father constantly had to bail him out because hey, his mother had been living with her new husband who she had been married to for quite awhile. AKA, my uncle. And they had other kids, too, so, yeah.
I feel bad for my cousins since they lost a half-brother, but to be honest, the kid was a
Anyway...the kid basically sold shit to get money for drugs and alcohol, which really isn't all that much of a surprise, considering a lot of people tend to do stuff like that because they need their fix, but...most people I know of who do such things are smart enough to
not mix drugs and alcohol, ever and that at least saves them a bit of respect from me.
But my half-cousin, what does he do?
Shoots up, snorts, drinks, all within just a few minutes of whatever else he did. Regardless. I shouldn't be giving out all this info, and I feel bad for bringing attention to it, but...really. His dad did so much for him as well, and the kid was still a selfish ass.
The last time I saw my other half-cousin (his younger brother) it was to bring him up to Pennsylvania so he could spend time with his mother. And during that 5-hour car ride, I was told stories about him getting arrested and assaulting policemen and really anyone that got between him and whatever it was that he wanted, whether he was high/drunk/stoned or whatever the hell else.
To add to that, this boy wasn't the skinniest person alive by
any means. He was really, really overweight; I haven't seen him since I was probably 8-9, so about 9 years ago nearly, if not already. And last time I saw this child, he was only a few inches taller than me at the time (so he was maybe 5'5"? I know I'm like 5'10" now but this was
years ago so
yeah) and weighed at least two and a half times as much as I did; and I remember weighing probably around 75 or 80 pounds. So he was at least 200 by the time he was 13.
Not healthy. Annnnd...he gained a hell of a lot of weight since then as well.
And he did nothing to help it or try to
, you know,
lose weight, and instead sat at home all day doing drugs, eating, and sleeping. Never working a job as far as I know.
Sooo...based on all of that shit, I'm guessing he died because his heart gave out. Adding together the overweight-ness, the fact he did nothing to cut back on that, and his mixing abuse of drugs and alcohol for at least 6 years, yeah.
I sure have a highly intelligent family.
Thank god he's not blood-related. I'd make a joke about it being because of his mom being my aunt but that would make
me a dick, and it's far too soon anyway.
I feel weird, considering I'm not sad about it at all. He was always an asshole to everyone, regardless of who it was, and it seemed that whenever I was trying to hang out with his brother and play vidyagaems and shit with him for some cousin-bonding-time, it'd get worse. Whenever his brother would try to hang out with
anyone it would get worse.
It was really weird and although I felt bad for the both of them, the older kiddo (the one who died) really pissed me off and since then I've had no feelings other than loathing towards him. His brother and I still get along, but I haven't heard his reaction to the finding. I feel bad for him.
Not the dead brother, but the younger one. He lost someone who was really close to him at some point, even if the man was a dick. He lost a part of his immediate family and hell, I know that's not fun. :C We don't know when the funeral is, either; we need to figure out what killed him first.
Watch me be completely off about it.
Watch him have died from something really, really sad and not caused by him at all.
Then I'll feel a little bad.
I respect the man, but only because I try my best to respect the dead. I have no respect for what he did during his life, though; that was horrible and lkajsfakldgjgd