Saturday, May 14, 2011

Oh shit, another one

Spell your name without vowels:
Are you single?:

What’s your favorite number?:
Uh, I like 17, 19, 5, 14 and 13. I can't choose because that's numberist.

What color do you wear most?:

Black. I swear, the only things I own that have a color other than black are maybe three shirts, some socks, boxers, some underwear and my bras. That's it.

Least favorite color?:

I've always disliked pink. Not because of 'omg if u liek pink ur retarded, if u dunt ur a hardass' but because my mother always deemed it appropriate to don me in pink outfits as a child. All the time. I'm still angry about that because I wanted to wear jeans so she fucking bought me pink ones. Bitch that's not what I meant. I WANTED REGULAR JEANS NOT SHITTY GIRLY RIPOFFS

Favorite candy?
Christ, as long as it's chock full of sugar I really don't give a fuck

What do you smoke?:
I don't need to smoke anything, I'm high on life

Are you happy with your life right now?:
Pretty happy. I'll be happier once these two and a half weeks are over, though.

Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?:

I've never been told I look like a celebrity, but I've been told I reminded someone of a celebrity. To be honest, though, I'm glad I don't look like a celeb, because then I'd feel like a shitty ripoff of something that was shit to begin with and they wanted to just see how bad it could get.

What is your favorite class in school?:

Uh, I love Chemistry, but the people in it are fucking retarded. Love World Cultures, too, but again, people in my class are as dumb as bricks. Also love math, but...again. Fucking retarded people. I'd pick Art, but there's a kid with some illness in my class who's a fucking dick to everyone and I just want to jam a palette down his throat. Maybe then he'd shut the hell up.

Do you shop at Hollister/DC/Bluenotes?:
No, because I'm not a faggot prepchav who thinks 'high label clothing' makes me the shit

How do you make money?:

Uh, random shit, lately. Going to apply for some jobs for the summer though so we'll see.

Who is your best friend?:
Jade, Mike, Ben, Chantelle, others
Don't really have just 'one' best friend; I definitely talk to Mike and Jade more than anyone else because Ben and I are just usually like 'oh, by the way, boobs' and then I scar him for life somehow and it just goes on and on.

Where do you go to school?

A highschool.

Are you outgoing?:
Depends on the circumstances.

One word to describe you?:

Favorite pair of shoes?:

I have a pair of Vans I typically wear. I don't really have 'favorite' shoes because I only own two pair and then a pair of boots.

Do you own big sunglasses?:
You mean like those retarded huge sunglasses that anyone who was anyone owned as a child? I used to, but now I just have aviators because I'm...I don't know. But they're mirrored and people can't see where I'm looking.

Where do you wish you were right now?:
With Mike, preferably in his arms.

What should you be doing right now?:
Anything but being a lazy skinbag

Do you have a crush on anyone right now?:

I bet you can't guess it

try me, motherfucker

Honestly, what's on your mind right now?:
Mike, how the school year is coming to an end, HOLY SHIT I FEEL OLD, I AM OLD, and numerous other things that probably wouldn't make sense out of context.

Honestly, what are you doing right now?:
In a call with Mike, and talking to Emily, listening to Jade flip her shit because GLADOS is calling her fat...or something

Honestly, have you done something bad today?:
Bad as in 'morally unacceptable' or bad as in 'generally unpleasant'? If there's something morally wrong with being on the computer, yes. Otherwise, no. Generally bad, though? Yeah, I smacked my shin off of the inside of a hot oven. That was nice. Broiled shin - mm, mm good

Honestly, do you watch Disney Channel?:
When they show old movie reruns, then fuck yes

Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone?:

Mike, at about 4 this morning. I apparently fell asleep on him, but I don't remember it.

Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?:

Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time?:

Uh, I don't get mad too easily, but it's usually people who bitch about people who've done nothing to them, or, more often, people who complain about their significant other and say nothing good about them, ever. Same people often go 'oh, I'd break up with him/her but I want to see if I have a chance with someone else first' or even those who brag about cheating or being cruel or some shit. Jesus Christ, grow some fucking balls/ovaries, you simpleminded pathetic fucks. None of you deserve a happy life with a significant other if all you do is bitch about them or use them. Go die in a fire.

Honestly, do you bite your nails?:

Only if I have a hangnail.

Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment?:

Yes, Mike.

Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now?:

Yeah, it is kinda big. Only a few people really know about it, and none of those people are anyone outside of Mike, Jade, and some other friends.

Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?:
If I didn't like them, they wouldn't be my friend. However I do have one person that knows me who thinks I'm her friend and will be all BAWWW WE NEVER HANG OUT and I'm sitting there thinking THANK FUCK BECAUSE IF I HAD TO BE AROUND YOU MORE THAN I'M REQUIRED TO I WOULD KILL MYSELF. All she ever talks about is ducks. Fucking. Ducks. I'M TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT DUCKS.

Can you blow a bubble?:

Can you dance?:

Can you do a cart wheel?:


Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?:

Never attempted it so I'll just assume no

Can you wiggle your ears?:

A little, but not very much.

Can you wiggle your nose?:

Can you roll your tongue?:

Can you make a clover with your tongue?:

What do you do when you're mad?:

Swear, punch the shit out of things and rant to the internet

What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?:
Punched a hole in the wall, broken someone's hand

Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?:

What sick man would send babies to fight?

But, uh, no. I don't cry when I'm mad.

Ever really cried your heart out?:

A few times, yes.

Ever cried yourself to sleep?:

A few times, yes. Over reasons that when I think back were absolutely retarded because my logic was retarded but most of those times, I was on shark week, so.

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?:
On Mike's yes. Kinda more into his chest/neck, but same difference. While he was here my mom managed to both piss me off and upset me, and all I did for three or four hours was rant through tears to Mike about how I hated everything and I hate living here.

Goddammit I'm retarded.

Ever cried over the opposite sex?:

Ever cried over the same sex?:
Yeah, but not for the reason you may think; someone I love dearly was going to attempt to kill herself, and I cry when that happens. I'm just thinking bitch, no, I love you too much I can't let you do this and it scared the fuck out of me, obviously. It never happened while I was talking to them; it did after the shock wore off, though.

Do you cry when you get an injury?:
No, I swear.

Do certain songs make you cry?:

Eh, not so much make me cry as make me feel small, insignificant and force me to come to the realization that everything dies, and that I'll die one day. That somewhere, hundreds of years down the road, someone will see a picture of me and have no emotional connection whatsoever. I want to leave a mark, but I can't.

Do certain movies make you cry?:
Nope, not one to cry from movies [anymore, anyway]. I used to cry at Old Yeller and The Fox and the Hound, though. Fuck.

Ever cried from reading a book?:
Don't think so. Where the Red Fern Grows and Old Yeller got me the closest. Also, Flowers for Algernon. Amazing book, go read it.

Are you usually a happy person?:

Most of the time; however, I'm a gigantic pessimist, too.

What makes you the happiest?:

Does being with your friends make you happy?:

Usually. They help me get my mind off of shit, which takes a tremendous weight off my shoulders and helps me relax.

Do you believe in yourself?:
Not particularly.

Do you wish you were happier?:
Never really thought about it; really, I don't think I can get much happier at the moment.

Is being happy overrated?:


Can music make you happy?:
Every now and again.

How many times have you had your heart broken?:


Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?:

Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'I love you'?:
Mike says it all the time. Ben says it sometimes when I feel bad and dammit, Ben, I always feel bad because I feel weird saying it to anyone besides Mike. HOWEVER, I do love my friends so, there.

Do you actually hate anyone?:

The only hatred I have is towards people who think 'hating' someone is the key to becoming the ruler of the universe/makes them badass/something else of the sort

Have you ever been on a hit list?:

I've been threatened over the internet and some kid said he was going to hack my computer so I couldn't call the police, send me porn in my email [I get porn emails anyway, that's not all that uncommon; they go to my spam folder ANYWAY and if my computer was LOLHAXORD then how the fuck would I get into my email anyway? FUCKING NUTTER] and track me down using my IP address and murder me.

That kid was hilarious. And like, 11.

Are you a mean bully?:

Only to idiots.

Do you hate George Bush?:

I don't even give a fuck

Is your self-esteem extremely low?:
bawww I'm fat/not pretty/worthless/other teenage bullshit

Do you think you're good looking?:

There are people who look better than me, and people who look worse.

Do you wish you could be someone else?:
Eugh no

What is your current hair color?:

Dark brown

What is your eye color?:
They're heterochromatic. Green and silver in one, and green and brown/blue in the other.

What is your skin tone?:


Current piercings?:


Have any tattoos?:


Straight hair or curly?:

What shirt are you wearing?:
Mole Day t-shirt from the science club at school.

I'm not wearing any right now, but I only have two necklaces that I've ever worn, and they're both 'mood' necklaces. One has random splotches of moodshit on a sharktooth-shaped piece of metal, and the other is lightning-bolt shaped.


None, my feet are nudists

Hugged someone?:
Last person I hugged was Mike. Like, 4 months ago.

Been on the phone until the sun came up?:
Not on the phone, but Mike and I have been in calls for several hours at a time. I think 13/14 hours was our record at some point over the past summer.

Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?:

Laughed so hard you cried?:
Yeah, and when it happened I had no fucking clue why it was happening. It just happened.

Got in a fight with someone?:

Person you talked to in person?:
My mom.

Person you talked to online?:


Person you hugged?:

Do you like surveys?:

They help me waste time, so yeah.

Do you get along with your parents?:

Not usually.

Do you have mental breakdowns?:

Current mood:

Current music:

Cut Copy - Hearts On Fire -

Current hair style:
Uh. It's there.

Current crush:
Try me, faggot

Current thing I ought to be doing:
Not wasting time

Current windows open:
Firefox - Blogger, Last.FM, Youtube, deviantART
Then there's Photoshop and Skype.

Current desktop picture:


Did you ever get into a fist fight in school?:

Did you ever run away from home?:

Yeah, for like four hours. Consisted of me sitting in the woods playing with cats.

Did you ever want to be a doctor?:

Yeah, but then I realize that it'd be expensive of hell for me to go for it in school and I don't have the money to do so.

Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?:
Yep, but I'm not in shape enough to go in without risking a heart attack.

Do you know how to swim?:
I'm like a motherfucking dolphin

Do you like roller coasters?:
Some, but I can't do loops. Also, very very very large drops scare the living shit out of me and I freak out and have panic attacks, yay.

Do you own a bike?:


Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?:
Eating it, yes. Digesting it, no.

Does hair loss run in your family at all?:
Uh, don't think so

Does your car get good gas mileage?:

Mine does, yes. My mom's? Not as great.

Does your family have family picnics?:
Nope, because my grandma hates my mom, my brother hates everyone and only five members of my family (including myself) live in this town. The rest are scattered through the South, Virginia, Tennessee, Nevada, and Alaska.

Have you ever been on a plane?:

Have you ever been to the ocean?:
So many fucking times lkajfsdkgh

Have you ever painted your nails?:
I've always had a weird hatred towards nail polish. Probably because it smells badly and tastes horrible.

How tall are you?:
Somewhere between 5'8" and 5'11", I don't even know anymore

How much money do you have on you?
Somewhere about $700, probably a bit more. I only carry maybe $50 in my wallet at any time, though, depending on where I'm going.

Last person you hung out with?:

Last thing someone said to you?:

In person: "Going to Jamie's, I don't know when I'll be back"
Online [using voice]: "I love you too"
Online [through text]: "dunnndurrtcheep"

Last thing you said sang out loud?:
about an hour ago

What are you listening to?:

Cage the Elephant - Aberdeen (Thank You, Happy Birthday) -

What is the weather outside?:

Somewhat rainy, humid

What radio station do you listen to?:

Whatever has music I can stand on it

What was the last restaurant you ate at?:

Actual restaurant? Quaker Steak & Lube. Again, like 4 months ago. ;__; I didn't even eat there. I just sat there all mopey, pessimistic and irritable.

What was the last thing you had to drink?:
Vanilla tea, oh my god.

What was the last movie you watched?:
Little Fockers

Not as great as minecraft but still pretty great regardless

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monthly shit

This'll be several 'posts' long since I've been filling this thing out during studyhalls since I never ever ever get work in classes anymore because we have 16.5 days left and my teachers are already going "Fuck this shit" so yeah. Anyway.

Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Day 02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.
Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 04 - Your views on religion.
Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.
Day 06 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.
Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.
Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.
Day 13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
Day 14 - Your earliest memory.
Day 15 - Your favorite websites.
Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.
Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.
Day 18 - Your beliefs.
Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.
Day 20 - How important you think education is.
Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.
Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?
Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
Day 24 - Your favorite movie and what it’s about.
Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.
Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you.
Day 27 - A problem that you have had.
Day 28 - Something that you miss.
Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days.
Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month.

Okay, so, Day 1 - Talk about my current relationship.

I'm currently in a relationship with the most amazing, sweet, caring, loving guy in the world. We've been together for a good while now. I've known him since December 2009 and we've been together since June 22, 2010. So, almost 11 months. I know that's not that long, and it doesn't feel like it. However, it also it's been forever. It just feels right. I don't know how to explain it, it's just that even though we may have bickering over stupid stuff that's not really 'bickering' even though it kinda is, we never fight. We've never fought. People may say that every couple fights, but that's not true. They may disagree, but...yeah. I can honestly say Mike and I are more couple than 95% of them out there, and we've never fought. At least not seriously or over anything 'big', I guess.
I guess I'll get into our background and everything, at least how I felt when I met him. I met him while I was "with" another guy, but I was attracted to him. I hadn't seen him yet [yes, our relationship started online], but I loved his personality and the way he talked and all of that. Without any harm meant towards my ex, I can honestly say I've always liked Mike's personality more. To me, something just clicked. But yeah, soon ex and I broke up, it hurt a little, but I had been preparing myself for the event for quite awhile, since I figured it was going to happen sooner or later. So, I guess you could say I wasn't hurt so badly. 
Anyways, I had always loved Mike's personality, and at one point I was sent a picture of him [by him] and, as cheesy as it may sound, I felt immediately attracted towards him. More so than I had ever been attracted to anyone, even my past boyfriends, which may or may not be insulting to them and if it is  that's just how it is. I dealt with your guys' shit for the longest time. 
Speaking of which, I've never had to 'put up' with anything Mike does. Sure, there have been times where he'd have to go somewhere and I'd be sad because I wouldn't be able to go with him or talk to him or something, but that's pretty normal for me since I'm a clingy person. However, he has never done anything that has pissed me off. Maybe one or two things that annoyed me, but nothing severe enough for me to say anything, because I can shrug it off a lot of the time.
Back to what I was saying, though; I felt attracted towards him since the very beginning, and I was debating on just telling him. I was absolutely sure he didn't feel the same, and it hurt. At the same time though, I was sure he hated me because of the person that I was "friends" with who introduced me to him. However, I soon learned that wasn't true. 
He talked to me every day since the day he met me, and...pretty soon, he found he was attracted to me, I suppose. 
There was a point where we decided to meet up at Hershey Park in August of last year; around this time last year that we had been talking of it. On June 21, though, he said to me; "Do you think our parents would let us see eachother sooner if we pretended to like one another? <xD" and when I replied [rather kinda scared] "I'm not sure <XD" we soon kept talking about liking one another and everything and then went to bed.
I woke up the next morning, and logged on Skype; it was somewhere between 10 and 2-ish [can't quite remember] and he was online, too. He said something along the lines of 'so, I was laying in bed thinking last night, and it kinda dawned on me that I'm falling in love with you'. He then asked that, if all things went well whenever we met up with eachother in August, if he could be my boyfriend. I can honestly say that I stopped responding and just kinda...sat there for a couple of minutes. My mind was screaming at me to do something, but...yeah. I finally said yes, and later on, he asked me if we could make it official since he didn't think he could wait - that he didn't want to wait. So...yeah.
I can honestly say I am in love with this man, because he's so much of everything I want, need, and everything that's good. He actually loves me and that's something I'm not used to.

I still think of him telling me sometimes and it just melts my heart. 

Day 2 - Where I'd like to be in 10 years

Well, in 10 years I'll be 27/28, and I'm hoping that, by then, Mike and I have gotten our own place, have steady jobs, and have a child. Maybe children [yes I am a teenager who wants kids, fuck you, he wants them too]. Oh, and we've decided we want a tortoiseshell cat and a corgi. He's not going to agree to this I bet [he'll just look at me funny] but I want to name the cat Bumblebee if it's female (Mercutio, if male) and the corgi Benvolio. Fuck the gender, I just want a cute little corgi named Benvolio. 
Anyway, in a more serious reply, yeah. We'll have our own place, be married, and have a kid or two, and pets. I'll hopefully be working in art and as a teacher. I want to get out of the little hicktown I'm in [I abhor this place with a passion and if you lived here, you would understand why. If you have ever heard the name, seen the place, or heard of the place or some shit and chances you have, you would understand why]. However, I'll follow Mike wherever he wants to go. I want to live kinda far out, but also close enough to where we could easily drive to the city to do some shopping, and for stuff like hospitals and all, just in case.

Day 3 - My views on drugs and alcohol

Uh, well, let me just start off by saying I don't support the usage of either, but again, I couldn't care less about what other people do with their lives, as long as it's not someone I know, or if it's not hurting someone else in the process.
I don't mind people drinking on occasion; there's nothing wrong with drinking every now and then, say, if you were going out with friends or if you're on a date or something, as long as you don't go overboard. I don't see why people want to go out and get smashed or wasted; what's fun about forgetting the night, and having a hangover? they like feeling bad? Hell, I don't know. I just know alcohol smells absolutely disgusting and I have no interest in it what so ever, so I'll never drink it. The smell alone makes me ill; I don't know how I'd fare if I drank it. Don't want to find out.

And...drugs. I'm against drugs. Not because I don't want people to feel good, but there are certainly many, many other, less expensive ways of getting that 'rush'. People who do drugs get addicted, and it's a hard addiction to break. I don't like seeing people suffer, either, so...that may be a part of it, as well. Not to mention I've seen many, many people in my family torn apart, go to jail, etc. over drugs and alcohol and it's just not a fun experience from what I've heard.

Day 4 - My views on religion

I'm not a religious person at all. I'm spiritual, a bit. Mostly because I've had weird things happen that I can't explain. Things I won't get into here because I just got out of the loony bin and therapy and don't want to go back anytime soon.

Day 5 - A time I thought about ending my own life

Well...I guess I should start off by saying, I used to self harm. No one ever knew about it. I never told anyone; and because I hid them so well and they weren't in the usual places, no one ever so much as really questioned me or assumed or anything like that. Disclaimer: I didn't do it every day. Maybe a few times a week, but I never made myself bleed so much that it would show through clothes, or on clothes. I did it in the shower, usually, since it'd wash away. I'm not going to go about how I did it, but it wasn't cutting.

Day 6 - 30 interesting facts about myself

There's not much 'interesting' about me, but here goes.

1. I do parkour.
2. I'll listen to almost any music genre
3. I love 'Cut Copy' and 'Plus 44'
4. I have two cats, I bet you didn't know that
5. One of them is retarded/simplecat
6. I have Synesthesia
7. I have sectoral heterochromia in both of my eyes. My left eye is green and a sharp silver, while my right is green and light brown/hazel.
8. I had eye surgery at a young age
9. I've suffered through mild schizophrenia, have been declared 'insane' by a few therapists, and have suffered through depression and it pisses me the fuck off whenever someone acts like they have one of those things just so they can get away with being weird, cruel, "cool" or get away with being a retarded teenager.
10. I want kids one day
11. My conversations with people usually go in very odd directions
12. I swear a lot, not remotely interesting
13. lol, ghosts
14. I'm directly related to King Henry VIII
15. I've got German in me
16. Also Russian
17. And Polish
18. Swedish
19. Tiny speck of Native American
20. I have a very dramatic widow's peak
21. My canines are too big. It's gotten to the point where I have to make sure they don't stick out of my mouth when I close my mouth. I may be a vampire.
22. I'm engaged. We don't have rings, but we're engaged.
23. I don't want a big fancy wedding whenever Boyfriend and I are to be married, but I do want a bit of a ceremony
24. I hate dresses.
25. I have a weird obsession with Mike's facial hair, and hair in general. It's just soft and that's really weird and I'm so messed up shut up, butthug
26. I
27. have
28. nothing
29. else to say
30. I'm not even remotely interesting

Day 7 - My zodiac sign

My Chinese zodiac is the dog, so I guess that fits, in a sense. The personality thing kinda matches up pretty well. My other 'sign' is Capricorn and that kinda fits, too.

That's all.

I'm so interesting

Day 8 - A moment I felt most satisfied with my life

Uhm this is actually a really, really hard thing to think of. There's so many things that just go wrong but at the same time they don't really matter in the long run. I have amazing friends, an amazing boyfriend, and my family is alright sometimes too. I also have an education and am sending in many applications to get a job, so. Maybe that'll happen. I kinda need it. I guess I'm satisfied, but I'd be more satisfied if Mike and I lived on our own. Won't happen for another couple of years, but still.

Day 9 - My future

Well, my future is going to be full of Mike. That much, I know. I don't know about anything else, and I already talked about my future and what I hope it'll be like a few questions back.

Day 10 - My first love and first kiss

Even though I had a few boyfriends before Mike, I can honestly say that Mike is the first guy I've actually loved. He's the only one that I've been...uhm...attracted to physically. Not to mention, I'm really attracted to him emotionally, too. He was also my first kiss, and I don't know how to describe it; it was perfect. He's perfect.

Day 11 - Ipod on shuffle

Yeah, I don't have my ipod so


I'll finish this shit later since that's all I have saved and today happened to be day 11. Uh, yeah

Day 12 - Bullet my day

- Wake up
- Take shower
- Stand in the bathroom for awhile because I'm lazy
- Make pies
- Some internet
- Talk to Ben and Jade
- Call Mike
- Internet and TV
- Eating
- Talk to Mike when he gets online
- More internet
- Eating again
- Internet
And several trips to the bathroom scattered throughout

Day 13 - Somewhere I'd like to move or visit

Well, I've always wanted to go to England. London, really. Now I have a reason, to visit my wee lil sack 'o potatoes. Paris would be pretty to go to, and I've always thought that going to Sweden would be some sweet shit. I'd like to meet up with a couple friends I've met online there, since...they live there.

Day 14 - My earliest memory

I can't remember. B:

Day 15 - My favorite websites

DeviantART, tumblr, LiveJournal (sparklesnark)

Day 16 - My views on mainstream music

I fucking hate most of it because it's shoved down my throat so often that it just becomes annoying.