Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Here's when it was snowing at my house around 5PMEST today:

Here it is around 5:10:


And here it is an hour or so ago:

My flowers are going to die. Wunderbar. Some of them died a little while ago because Mother Nature decided to throw some frost at us for a big 'fuck you'. So...they died. Sad day. :C


what the fuck, mother nature

what the fuck

I hope you all enjoyed my rendition of 'What the Fuck, Mother Nature - Sincerely, a Confused Student' but you've probably had enough of seeing one small shot of a fence and part of my yard and back porch so


have a cat on a blanket:

His name is Sam and he likes to eat rotisserie chicken. I don't blame him because that shit is fucking delicious but he steals from me. But it's okay. Because he's adorable. Only my cats and Boyfriend can take food from me...
pictured: retarded, derpy Sugarfaec attempting to steal my bed from me while I am in it

...because they're adorable

And you've all lost the game.

the end

It's snowing


I mean, this has happened before, on July 4th even, but

That was years ago

why is this happening

and don't go all weather-smart-bullshit on me


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

so today some kid pulled out a cigarette the middle of English class. And smoked it. Granted it was one of those fancy-dangled 'fake' ones that somehow still taste/feel the same but seriously? Why would you do that. why

I get that you may have an addiction, class? Kid this isn't college. This is high school. And even though we're in a smallpunk town in the middle of nofuck nowhere but for some reason everyone fucking knows who we are doesn't mean that you can try and pull that shit. We may live in a small-town ghetto, but we're not in Pittsburgh. We're not in the ghetto. We're not the Pitts.

Just because we live in a world-popular town doesn't mean you can get away with smoking that shit in school. Living here does not make you 'awesome'. It means you're alive so stop it

 So every now and then the kid would whip around to the left, hunch over, and I'd hear a HFFFFFFFNNNNNNNFFFFFFGGG sound that could effectively be compared to an asthmatic seal with its head stuck in a 3/4 full oil bin slowly suffocating to death. Which, you know, most smokers sound like anyways, but this kid is only 17. At the most. And you really shouldn't be addicted to that shit at SEVENTEEN but then again I'm an anti-social freak so what do I know

ANYWAY I don't know what surprised me more; the fact that he did this in the middle of class, or the fact that he hadn't been caught all day, especially by the teacher of the class we were in. He was making sounds so loud it sounded like an air conditioner fucked a seizure-prone vacuum, had a baby, and the baby had a child with a shihtzu pug mix and their baby suffered from epilepsy from the goddamned sun and went into fits whenever the air pressure changed or wind shifted.

that's what he sounded like

Just imagine it.


Anyway this happened multiple times throughout the period. Not just two or three times, but I'm pretty sure I counted to at least ten. Hell, I can't tell anymore. I just know that the girl in front of him would start laughing her ass off each and every time that he did it and break the cold silence. Every single time.

And you know, whenever someone's doing something 'bad' in school I just sit there really, really awkwardly because you know, I'm the 'good' kid or something in school and...I never do anything. I just exist, breathe, and do my work. Sometimes talk. But mostly sit and work and breathe.

I've gotten really good at sitting and breathing. I can even do it without thinking, bitches.

Goddammit I keep getting off-track (here comes the train careening off of the cliff full of screaming koalas!) so, uh. I didn't turn him in. I wanted to, but then I'd feel weird. Turning in a Kid Cudi fan? Hell, no. I can't possibly make that poor child's life any worse. So I let him go. I just...

I didn't have the evil in me

plus, it smelled vaguely of cinnamon

I like cinnamon smells.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

you know what

why are you guys even following me

I never do or say anything interesting


actually I'm kidding so tell your friends about me
and be sure to tell them I'm fuckin' hilarious or some shit like that

I don't know just advertise me

/publicity stunt

oh god another meme thing

1: Do You Sleep In Your Bra?

2: Do You Wear Makeup Or Anything Related?

3: Are You Popular In Your School?
I wouldn't know, because I never pay attention.

4: How Many Boyfriends/Girlfriends Have You Had?
Uh. 3, before Boyfriend. Well, before Fiance. All of them cheated, though; two cheated on me with other girls and the other just...kinda cheated on me with games and all that. But, Fiance. <3

4: Be Honest, Do You Brush Your Hair Everyday?
Yes. Otherwise I feel absolutely disgusting. FffFFFFFDJLSKGKH

5: How Was Your First Real Kiss?

6: Do You Like Rock/Heavy Metal Music?

7: Are You Single/Taken/Happy/Sad
'Engaged'/Taken, and happier than I've ever been before.

8: Have You Ever Worn A Thong?
You will never, ever catch me wearing buttfloss. I wear boxers, usually.

9: Do You Play Video Games?

10: Are you Scared Of Getting Your Hands Dirty?

11: Are You Straight/Lesbian/BiSexual?

12: Have You Ever Had Sex?

13: Do You Get Along With Most Boys?

14: Do You Have One Guy Friend You Can Tell Anything To?
Well, two. Boyfriend and Best Friend.

15: Have You Ever Kissed Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend In Public?
Yes. Many times. <XD <3

16: Do you Own A Bike?

16: Tell Me, Do You Have A Crush?
Nope, it's not a crush

17: Whats Your Biggest Secret Right Now?
Don't really have one

18: Who's Your Best Friend?
Mike, Jade, Ben, there's others too but I'm just so lazy

19: Do You Sleep With Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend At Night?
Whenever he's here. Which is only 60 more days until he is again /angst

20: Has Your biggest secret Ever Been Exposed?

21: Are You Shy?

22: Do You Take A Dis-like To People Straight Away?
Eh, I try to give people chances.

23: Can You Be Trusted With Secrets?

24: Whens Your Birthday?
January 5th

25: Whens Your's And Your Boyfriends/Girlfriends Anniversary? Or if Your Single, When Would You Like your Anniversary With Your love To Be On?
June 22nd, 2010

26: have You Ever Had To Ask Somebody Out Your Self?
Hell no, I'm always too awkward. I almost, almost dropped big hints to Boyfriend when he was just Best Friend, but I was too scared.

27: Have You Ever Told your Parents That you've Liked Somebody/Been In A Relation Ship?
Yeah, my mom was just like oh, ok, so when do I meet him? and I was like well you're going to because we're going to Hershey on August 21st and she was just oh. ok.


28: Whats Your Idea Of A Good Date? Put An x In As Many Boxes You Like
[x] Have A Romantic Dinner - Sure.
[/] Play video Games - Eh, that's more of something to do in the spare time
[] Getting Drunk - I never plan to drink.
[x] Lying On The Sofa Hugging Your Other Half - <3
[] Sex - Sex is more of something that's not 'date' material. That's for a longer relationship.

29: Have You ever Done Anything Stupid In Front Of Your Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend
All the time. I'm a massive derp and I walk into walls/run into walls/fall into walls and Boyfriend's just like are the walls okay and I'm just like no, they died

30: Do You Think Any boys Will Do This meme?

31: Have You Ever Had A Crush On Any Of Your Teachers At School?

32: Have You Ever Had A Proper Make Out with Your Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend?
...Maybe. >.>

33: Have You Ever stripped?

34: Whats The First Thing You'll Do On Your Wedding Day?
Probably get sick from excitement and anxiousness, really. I'll love that day but it's going to be hell on my immune system from me being so excited. <XD

35: Do Some songs Turn You On?
Oh god lol what
oh wait, here.

36: Have You Ever Got Payed To Have sex/Kiss Somebody?

37: Are You Obsessed With A Movie Star/Singer right Now?

38: Have You ever Pole Danced?

39: Are You/Have You Dated Somebody From A Different Country Than You Before?
Yeah, I did once. Obviously that didn't work out. However, I'm still flying over there eventually to see a good friend of mine and maybe Boyfriend and I will meet up with him. I dunno.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

This is probably why I don't have many female friends (or friends in general)

Anyone who knows me even remotely should know I have a little bit of a problem 'befriending' anyone that I haven't been exposed to before through friend-of-friend contact; and even then I have a hard time growing attached to anyone. Especially if the person I'm supposed to 'befriend' happens to be a person of the female variety.

I've come up with several reasons for this.

With girls, there's a huge list. It probably starts with the fact I have absolutely nothing in common with anyone of the female gender in general except I have a vagina and leak blood from it more or less every month. Obviously there are exceptions, but those exceptions are few in number. I don't even wear girly clothing. There's no way that shit would ever be allowed on my body, ever. The only exception would be a dress at my private wedding, or possibly prom. Otherwise I'm wearing a tuxedo to all formal occassions, like I've done all the years past.

The girliest things I own are my bras and some frilly panties that I don't even know why I own them, seriously. But they're South Park so it balances them out, right? Right? Other than a few pairs of said frillinesses, I wear boxers. Yes, guys' boxers. They're roomy, comfortable, and don't get all up in your business like female underwear does. Only exception to wearing those is during shark week, that's it.

Nearly all females I'll attempt to talk to try to get me to wear a dress, put on makeup, wear other girly clothes or...have sex. Yes, girls have tried to talk me into having sex with Boyfriend because it's 'normal'. I'll come back to that later. Just thinking of that fills me with so much what is this i dont even that I really have no idea what to say at the moment.

The other thing? Girls, for the most part, are back-stabbing daughters 'o wenches. All the time I hear about Girl A back-stabbing Girl B by...doing something completely retarded. 'A broke a promise to B, and went out with B's ex, even though B is totally over him she's really jealous' is something I hear a hell of a lot. If...if you're over shouldn't care if someone dates said person you're over. Hell, be happy for them. You don't have to, but you don't have to be a dick about it either. The person isn't 'yours' anymore. You don't control their actions or thoughts and you never have and never will.

Or. Or. Or. They tell a person they barely know a superomgsecret and then, well, obviously, the person they told tells someone else. Because they're not your friend so you shouldn't trust them. There are some times when there's stuff you shouldn't even tell your best friend. So why in the hell would you tell someone who barely know? Telling someone you barely know a secret and then flipping the fuck out whenever they spread it - you know, like people tend to do, especially in high school - isn't 'backstabbing'. Sure, it's kinda rude, but it's to be expected. If you don't expect that, you're retarded.

Okay. That last bit was a horrible example but I'm pretty sure you know what I mean.

Anyway, going back to the things I listed earlier; if you're my friend, you won't try and change me or what I do, unless it's hurting me or someone else in some way. Telling me to 'stop drawing' because you think of it as 'childish' and that it'll 'never help you [me] get anywhere in life' does not make me want to be your friend. You know what it does? It makes me want to punch you in the face.

And trying to...force me to have sex. What. Just...what. How does that even make sense? I really don't understand.

Okay, so you and your boyfriend are having sex? Good for you, but don't try to bring me and Boyfriend in on it saying I'll be 'less stressed' if we have sex.

Last time I checked, I'm a severely paranoid fuck. If I had sex now, when I haven't even graduated high school yet, and Boyfriend hasn't even moved so much as closer to me, or in with me, then why would I have sex? I'm going to be freaking out thinking I could be pregnant the first time it happens, which will stress me the hell out. If I'm going to have a pregnancy scare, I'd rather it not be while I'm in school - especially high school. I'm already stressed out enough and I always seem sad or pissy even when I'm perfectly fine because of that stress. I don't need to add the fear of pregnancy to that.


And with guys? Okay, I can usually befriend guys more easily than I can the girlies. However...

Guys are more likely to be dicks. Which means they're more likely to be the ones talking about kicking eachothers' asses when it never happened in the first place, or just generally being rude.

That, or they're massive perverts and don't try to control themselves. I've had massive problems with this in the past because, hello, fellas, if you've a girlfriend then stop checking out other women and love your girlfriend. You picked her. If you want someone else, then let her go so she doesn't have to deal with you anymore. Jesus.

And a combination of the first two; m- no, wait, boys- often think that 'friends' means 'sex'. Um, no. Last time I checked, friends means friends and not 'sleeping together'. Because sleeping together is what a couple does.

Not to mention, many guys don't want a serious relationship. Which can be okay. HOWEVER, that apparently means they can go out and bang as many women as they want and think they don't have to suffer the consequences if they get one or more women pregnant. They try and run away. Especially the teenagers; but I've seen this happen with guys of all ages.

There are very few guys who aren't dicks. There are also very few that aren't extremely perverted to the point where if they see a girl they get a raging hardon and try to pound the nearest thing with a pulse until it has a pulse no longer.

Oh god I totally lost the point of this post

I've been awake since 2


cut me some slack

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Public Restrooms

Let me get this straight right here and right now.

I fucking hate using public restrooms. Maybe I'm just an odd person, or weird, or something, but the thought of other people hearing me piss just really doesn't appeal to me. Every single time I walk into a restroom stall, my immediate thought is "Oh god, what if they're listening?" because, you know, people judge you by the sound of your piss. In case you didn't know.

Worse than the 'oh god, they're judging me by the sound of my piss' is having to send a log down the river. Each and every time you need to see a guy about a horse - a quite large, brown, magnificent one, at that - it seems as though you either walk in on a gaggle of teenage girls giggling and gawking at their reflections in a mirror for 30 minutes at a time, or you're one of the oh-so-lucky ones that has the amazing chance to claim a stall and get ready to drop a bomb and then have a couple of people walk into the bathroom.

And then they stand there.

And stand there.

And stand there.

It seems as though they're never going to leave; it even gets to the point where it seems like they're just standing in there to spite you. Making it so you have to clench your bowels so hard you feel as if your colon is going to burst. That? Okay, they'll leave eventually.

They finally do, after it seems like an eternity...and you're free to let your bowels loose and fill that toilet up to the brim with your steaming shitpile of shit. You get ready to unload your feces...

Only to have another person walk in. A single person. That's okay. They'll leave, too, it'll just take a couple minutes. You can prevent yourself from shitting for another three or four minutes. Not a problem. But after a few minutes, you're starting to wonder exactly how bad their face looks...because hey, a makeup touch-up shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes, especially if you're in school, where you really don't need a shitton of makeup. No one really cares. If you look your worst, chances are 80% of the students look ten times worse than you do. So seriously, stop caring. However, it seems that the majority of the female population refuses to see that they look better with nothing rather than with three pounds of makeup on their face. No wonder it takes them so long to touch-up.

After a few more minutes of the supposed makeup goings-on, though, you start to wonder if they're also standing there to either piss you off, or make your bowels explode.

At some point, however, you simply cannot wait any longer. You empty your colon, trying to be quiet at first but eventually not giving a single fuck. Yet, the person still stands there, immobile, and completely silent. You start to ponder why. Why would a person stand there, not making any noise at all, while waiting for you to take a massive shit, only to continue standing there afterwards? And not just stand there, either, but actually walk into another stall. Presumably to do their business...but after having them stand there for hell knows how long listening to you take a shit, and then hearing odd noises that don't sound like normal things to do in a bathroom...

You have to start to worry if you've contributed to a person's scat fetish fapping session.

At that point, you feel awkward. Very awkward.

At another point, moaning is worse. I've had some very bad things happen to me in restrooms, especially public ones, and one of those things was walking in to hear a woman's shlecking session. What? You're really hot and bothered and need to let off steam somewhere? Okay, I suppose a bathroom is better than on a park bench, but...could you please, please, please satisfy yourself without moaning?

Every time I hear moaning in a restroom, it's either a highschooler complaining of constipation and not being able to shit, a girl who got her period unexpectedly, or, more often, the sexual moan of someone pleasuring themselves in a bathroom stall. I shit (haha, bathroom humor) you not. I've walked into bathrooms hearing things that I never wanted to hear. At least not from a female, and especially not a female in a public restroom. And this wasn't even at say, a deserted area. I've heard this stuff in the Pittsburgh airport restrooms, and again in the Orlando airport restrooms.

And in Orlando, they didn't even have the stall closed. I try to ignore these things when I hear them, but walking up to the sinks to wash my hands and looking up into the mirror only to see a woman with her hand down the front of her pants making sex noises with a very, very strange look on her face, I can't help but briskly walk out of said restroom with soap still on my hands and go to the water fountain to finish washing off my hands. Of course, with the necessary reaction look on my face:

What I saw, I would never wish on anyone.

However, it's somehow worse whenever it's in a highschool bathroom. That's just...the seats are already so disgusting. Why add to the festering chlamydia and herpes by spewing yourself all over the toilet? And what bothers me the most is people don't wash their hands here. I've seen maybe five people this entire year wash their hands during school hours in the restroom, and that includes me and Best Friend. The other three happened to be some random girls who ran into the bathroom to wash their hands after working with maché in art class. So there we go, five.

So you know what that means? Lady spooge. All over the bathroom. On the toilet. On the stall handles. On the paper towel dispenser. On the toilet paper. Let me tell you now, that shit is nasty. I GET IT, YOU'RE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 12 and 18, YOU'RE HORNY. JUST. PLEASE. PLEASE.

Just...for the love of all that is good and holy, please wait until you're home. Then you can go fuck yourself.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I'm bored and thinking of some other story to write for this here blog-a-majig, so while I'm thinking of that...

Do this

[_] Lock me in your room and take advantage of me?
[_] lick my cheek?
[_] miss me if we went out then broke up?
[_] dance with me?
[_] let me make you breakfast?
[_] tap me on the ass?
[_] help me with homework?
[_] tickle me to death?
[_] let me tickle you?
[_] stick up for me if i was being put down?
[_] caress my body?
[_] play strip poker with me?
[_] say yes if I asked you out?
[_] let me wear your pants?
[_] instant message me?
[_] greet me in public?
[_] hang out with me?
[_] bring me around your friends?

[_] think I'm cute?
[_] think I'm hot?
[_] want to kiss me?
[_] want to cuddle with me?
[_] want to hook up with me?

[_] acquaintances?
[_] friends?
[_] in a relationship?
[_] going to have kids?

AM I...
[_] smart?
[_] cute?
[_] funny?
[_] cool?
[_] lovable?
[_] adorable?
[_] compassionate?
[_] annoying?
[_] great to be with?
[_] attractive?
[_] mean?
[_] odd?

[_] thought about me?
[_] thought there might be an "us"?
[_] thought about hookin' up with me?
[_] found yourself wanting a kiss from me?
[_] wished i were there?
[_] grabbed me?
[_] had a crush on me?
[_] idolized me?
[_] wanted my number?
[_] had a dream about me?
[_] been distracted by me?

[_] happy you know me?
[_] mad at me?
[_] thinking about me?
[_] going to repost this in your journal so that I will return the favor

Such a dumb thing but OH WELL at least it's an update