Sunday, June 12, 2011


I've apparently been banned for 'harassment' and 'trolling' on dA; over something someone asked me to do. I have r^2 handling my ticket as well, so good luck to me getting a suspension over that SO HORRIBLE BAN, guys.

And it was for woofs. WOOFS? I find it more hilarious than anything that that is the reason I was banned. I figured it would be more likely I'd be banned for being a blatant asshole to the staff (which I've done on multiple occasions) or telling someone to stop their crying and threatening and to kill themselves if they really were suicidal and didn't want help. Not for drawing parody works of things people asked me to do.

The only reason I'm upset is because I can't access my gallery. >:C Bitch I want my art! Traditional, whatever, I have that in hard copy, digital, okay, I have that on my old computer and flash drives but I don't know where my lit is. Which bothers me because even though I can crank that stuff out, I won't be able to remember it very well, especially if I'm cranking out a lot of it.

Oh well. I still have my old Sheezyart account which I guess I'll use for backing up art, otherwise I'll just hang about in deviantART's forums lurking like usual (that's all I ever did anymore, anyway; let's face it, the community outside of Complaints has gone flat and uninteresting - Complaints may have died a good bit but at least there are the assholes there being amusing and creating a ruckus).

Otherwise, if you want to contact me, email me at and I'll hand out Skype and MSN information.

Congrats to the butthurt faggot who got me banned, though. Seems your buttmad was strong enough t- oh, wait. The admins and moderators were already shit on deviantART! Seems you were just able to get them to be a bit more personal about it. Sometimes it takes getting kicked out of a shitty place to realize just how shitty it is.

Sorry if I seem 'angry' about it, but really - thank you, whoever got me banned. You sped up the process of getting out of there for me and proved, without a doubt, that the internet is full of pansy-pantied little children who can't take a joke.

Hell, if you're offended by something on the internet, get the fuck off the internet.

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